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Hearing Blog

Introducing Muse: Hearing Aids Made for Life

April 14, 2016

It’s been proven, hearing health is directly connected to overall health and wellbeing. Studies have also shown that hearing aids can positively benefit those with hearing loss. Introducing Muse hearing aids. Featuring hearing technology made for the next generation of hearing aid wearers, Muse offers a variety of styles, clarity and comfort in noise, high-quality music listening and more. In short, Muse is made for life. Muse is a full-family of wireless hearing aids ...

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Hearing Help: Why You Should See A Professional

March 1, 2016

Hearing loss is commonly referred to as an invisible health condition, and early warning signs are often overlooked. Unlike other medical conditions, you can’t physically see the signs of hearing loss. Often the most difficult step in improving your hearing is recognizing you need help. Hearing loss can develop at any age and can be caused by a number of different factors. Individuals with hearing loss often have difficulty following conversations and understanding the ...

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How To Tell Others About Your Hearing Loss

February 1, 2016

“It’s noisy in here.” “The wind is really strong.” “Your phone keeps breaking up and dropping your voice.” “Can you stop mumbling please?” We’ve all used these excuses before, and we've all learned that down the line, they really don’t do us any good. Admitting you have a hearing loss shouldn’t be embarrassing, but for many it is, and telling others that you can’t hear well can be difficult ...

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Help A Family Member Get Their Hearing Tested

January 4, 2016

When you begin to notice a family member struggling with their hearing, it’s instinct to want to jump in and help. But how do you be an advocate without being pushy or invasive? Here are some helpful tips to help encourage your family member to get their hearing tested while respecting their feelings. If you are noticing signs that a family member or friend may have hearing loss, the best thing to do for ...

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Helping a Loved One with Hearing Loss

February 1, 2015

Many people communicate their love for one another through words whether it is a compliment, song, or simply saying, “I love you.” February is also a great time to express love and support for someone by helping them deal with their hearing loss. It can often be a tough subject to address with a loved one, but your support can go a long way in helping on the journey toward better hearing. Here are simple ...

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"I have Hearing Aids - Now What?"

January 1, 2015

Congratulations, you have officially taken that next step to improve the way you hear by purchasing hearing aids! Prior to wearing hearing aids, you may not have heard the beautiful sounds surrounding you, but now you are clearly hearing them. In your journey to better hearing, are you still thinking, “Now what?” Here are some tips to keep moving forward: Train Your Brain: Due to the minimal number of signals your brain previously had to ...

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Give the Gift of Hearing

December 1, 2014

It is the most wonderful time of the year! If you aren’t sure of the perfect gift to give your loved one, consider giving them something extra special. If they are experiencing hearing loss, help them schedule an appointment that you both are able to attend. Be by their side as they discover how to improve their hearing. New situations can be scary when going about them alone, so ensuring your loved one that ...

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Getting to Know Your Ears

September 1, 2014

Have you ever heard the saying, “You learn something new every day”? As true as this statement is, one could take it one step further: you are constantly learning new things every day. There is an infinite amount of information presented and it is a constant act we perform every day. If you are struggling with hearing loss, you may feel uncertain about what to do. In order to improve your life and hearing capabilities ...

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Background Noise: Overtaking the Sounds of Summer

August 1, 2014

There are many different solutions if you or someone you know is experiencing hearing loss. With improvements in hearing aid technology, you and the professionals at Maclean Hearing Centre can work towards finding a hearing solution that filters out existing background noise so you can focus on the sounds close to you. Summer is short and sweet. Don’t miss out on the simple pleasures of life by being overwhelmed with noise around you. Call ...

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No Year is Worth Forgetting

January 1, 2014

This new year, make it a goal to help a parent or grandparent to prevent any of the causes of Alzheimer’s or dementia. One of these causes, unbeknownst to many, may commonly be hearing loss. Recent studies conducted at the University of Washington’s Department of Medicine found that out of 100 patients with Alzheimer’s, 83 patients had a hearing loss. Once fit with hearing aids, a third of those patients were classified ...

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